A parallel across space and time
Why the merger of Barberland (BL) and Antica Barbieria Colla (ABC)? Our founder David discovered ABC completely by accident when he bought their brand of perfume in another barbershop in Milan. After the first visit to ABC, it was clear where BL would go next. He found the same vision and a similar concept here. This 120-year-old barber's paradise enchanted David so much that he decided to arrange training for his team of barbers here, and at the same time use the brand's luxury cosmetics in BL. This is how this more than a century long Italian tradition was transferred to the heart of Prague, to Barberland.

The Antica Barbieria Colla barbershop was opened in the heart of Milan in 1904 by Dino Colla, a barber from the city of Ferrara. He never served customers himself, but rather trained his staff to guarantee a high level of service to his clients. After a few years of its opening, Antica Barbieria Colla, thanks to its great success, began to be considered a kind of gentlemen's club in the style of the British ones.
After this great success, Dino Colla began to look for bigger premises, in 1919 he moved to via Verdi 2, on the corner of via Manzoni, opposite the La Scala theater. In the new location, Antica Barbieria Colla experienced its greatest fame and recognition. The barbershop was considered a kind of institution, given that all official institutions also visited the barbershop. Colla's success lasted until August 1943, when the Piazza Scala and its surroundings were leveled by bombing, causing the barber shop to close for nine months. Antica Barbieria Colla reopened on April 1, 1944 at via Gerolamo Morone 3 (current location).
Of its many employees, only one, Guido Mantovanini, waited loyally for the reopening. His dedication was duly rewarded when he became the sole heir to the business after the death of Dino Colla in February 1949. On January 16, 1960, barber Franco Bompieri, who had fresh experience from the Hotel Continentale, joined Antica Barbieria Colla. Thus began a sincere and enthusiastic alliance, and the barbershop flourished even more thanks to the clientele brought in by Franco Bompieri.
In 1965, together with Guido Mantovani, Franco became another shareholder, each with a 50% stake. Their collaboration lasted a total of thirteen years until Guido Mantovanini fell ill in 1973; therefore, two years later, in 1975, Franco Bompieri became the sole shareholder of the barbershop, which was already very well-respected in Milan.
Začátky a Růst
Nároční Klienti a Věrnost
Jedním z klíčových faktorů úspěchu BarberLandu je věrnost jeho náročných klientů. Tito klienti, kteří hledají špičkovou kvalitu a individuální péči, našli v tomto barbershopu své útočiště. V průběhu let si David získal jejich důvěru a respekt díky své nekompromisní kvalitě služeb a osobnímu přístupu. Mnoho klientů se stalo stálými návštěvníky, což svědčí o vysoké úrovni spokojenosti a loajality.
Mezinárodní Rozšíření

During their stay in Milan, the BarberLand team learned about advanced cutting, shaving and beard care techniques. They gained valuable experience from the masters of their craft and had the opportunity to work with the latest products used by Antica Barbieria Cola. The training also included mastering new trends in men's care and style, which will enable the BarberLand team to offer even better and more modern services to their clients.

Oslavy a Budoucnost
Sedmileté výročí BarberLandu bylo oslavou nejen úspěchů minulých let, ale také příležitostí podívat se do budoucnosti. David má před sebou mnoho dalších ambiciózních plánů, včetně rozšíření nabídky služeb a další expanze barbershopu na mezinárodní trhy. Jeho hlavní prioritou však zůstává udržení vysoké úrovně kvality a spokojenosti všech stran zapojených do jeho projektů.
David Joun and the owner of Antica Barbieria Cola share not only a friendship, but also a passion for the craft of barbering. This collaboration is proof of how important international relations and sharing of expertise are in the barbering industry. Thanks to this exceptional opportunity, BarberLand David Joun can continue to develop and maintain its reputation as a top barbershop that aims to provide only the best.